I once asked a guy, have you ever wondered how much you worth?
Have you ever taken thought of your price as a person?
Have you ever reasoned why and how you are the way you are?
He turned his head right, left, blinked his eye thoughtfully and said; I am who I am, I am a male, a priceless jewel.
But, in the real sense, he didn't really answer the question. Simply because he hadn't taken thought of it yet up to that time.
And I kindly smiled and said, "okay you said yours, so let me say mine".
Because there's no debate about who you are and how you are the way you are;
You are more than just pieces of arms, legs and head fused up together to fashion out a faultless, flawless figure;
And surely, you are not a product of one such science fiction's: BIG-BANG THEORY, PRIMODAL SOUP or ELECTRIC SPARK.
And neither did your origin trace back to APES.
I tell you, theories such as the "incredible bulk", "times arrow" cannot explain your framework.
Rather you are the MASTERWORK of an ARTIST. Yes, an artist, the greatest artist of all time;
Who carefully contrived you clay upon clay, until you conformed to a creation in perfection to His likeness.
I told him, have you not taken thought of it yet;
- Your eyes are not situated behind your head;
- You don't walk about on your hands;
- And surely, you don't breathe through your ears;
- And so also is your mind not at the center of your chest;
- Nor is your heart placed inside your skull.
Need I say more;
I could keep mentioning, but you'll seem to get bored because you know all these and they don't seem special to you;
Now, give me your attention here's what you don't know;
You are not just a product of RANDOM CHANCES,
you are more than a mere product of an INTERCOURSE;
You see this artist I'm talking about, HE'S INCOMPARABLE, the NAME ABOVE NAMES;
His works cannot be reproduced by any other, because the knowledge backing it is UNEXPLAINABLE;
His wisdom UNREACHABLE, and that's why no matter how much science tries, it can never fathom the concept of the breath of life.
You don't even realize it, but you encounter His art every day and He deserves all of the acclaim and He deserves all of the fame;
Because all other artists pass away, but He remains;
And by the way, His name is God, Yahweh, your Creator, Author and Originator;
He's infinitely creative, so there is no one greater.
- When you turn right, you see the trees;
- When you look down, you are standing on earth itself;
- When your head goes left; you see the lizard, cockroaches, ants and on and on;
- You even try to close your eyes, but you cannot stop the oxygen that gives your life;
And all these He fashioned out when He deeped His eternal paint brush into His glory and placed all things in His story;
And just like any other artist, one of His works stood out amidst the rest, and that’s YOU.
Yes, you! Because in an instant God started to make art;
He envisaged one He could pour His glory into; a work of His hands.
You see the rest of His works came into place by His words; yes, even His word alone is creative;
Now imagine what a work of His hands would look like;
Then when it was time to create you, His words alone would not be enough to produce the MASTERWORK He desired;
So, he got the job done with His hands.
Can you hear that; God sat down, and with all His wisdom fashioned out you; yes, you.
And so He crafted and He made every arm and leg, ligaments, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, veins, arteries;
He said they are gonna have a part of Me;
Shaped you uniquely and beautiful from the start, and He didn't stop until He had His MASTERPIECE, until He saw His image, His likeness in you; yes, you.
See in the palm of His hands, he held all the sands;
the author of life when He whispered "let us make man".
And when He was done;
He touched the canvas of flesh and said this one is better than the rest.
You still have doubts; okay! let's look at the statistics;
- The human eye can distinguish about 10 million colours;
- Your nose can remember 50 000 different scents;
- If the Human eye was a camera; it would have 576 Mega-Pixel;
- When you take a step, you are using up to 200 muscles; listen not 10 but 200;
- Your brain can recognize a sound 10 times faster than the blink of an eye.
Need I say more;
So stop saying you are dirt;
Stop saying you are lesser than someone standing beside you;
Stop saying you are scum of the earth;
You have to be careful how you talk about someone else's work.
I could regurgitate more facts and figures, but I'll reach no end;
Because the one who created you is INFINITELY CREATIVE;
And He created you in INFINITE PERFECTION.
If only you believed you were truthfully created in His likeness;
Then you can live as blessed, important and favoured.
You know that feeling you have if shaken by your greatest mentor,
that's the feeling you should carry around daily;
Because you are;
- The Maker's own HANDIWORK
- A REPLICA of the greatest and wisest artist of all time
- The GREATEST ART He's ever made