Wednesday 24 February 2016


New year! New year!! New year!!!. What exactly is NEW YEAR? In it’s simplicity, changing from one year( a previous year), unto another one(present year). It is not just a normal/natural phenomenon that you and I have seen this year. You agree with me that the things of the Spirit cannot be explained naturally, that is why the cross-over night for some people will have seem natural. Also, many began 2015 hale & healthy but many finished 2015 in hospitals; many began 2015 with a bright thought ahead for the year, but their expectations were never met; many even made decisions to follow GOD at the start of the year 2015 but never ended the year with God; many also started the year not even believing that God exists, but before the year ended, their eyes were opened to know that the creator of Heaven and Earth; so also many started the year 2015 on the hospital bed, but ended the year hale & healthy; In one sentence, 2015 had it’s good part for all of us and it had in it it’s sour part(note the word used, “sour” not “bad”) for each for us (though sour but now in the past) but one thing is that 2015 has come and gone and never to come again. We can only look through the past year, we cannot go into it again.
But let’s be sincere with ourselves, 2015 is only different from 2016 because 2015 is old and 2016 is new. We are all sending messages upon messages and also ourselves receiving HAPPY NEW YEAR greetings without ever sitting down and gazing upon our inner selves and ask: ”what is old that can become new?”; not only in one part of your life, but rather in every ramification of your life; not only in the 2016 but rather a long lasting and effective change.
Listen, I am not just talking about a RESOLUTION, I am talking about something you will put your heart to doing. Some do well by putting down resolutions for a new year, but never fulfil such resolutions. Many have bright ideas for the year but never manifest such ideas. WHY?
They never understood that they made it to the new year, not because others too made it, but because He who is responsible for the creation of every creature has something better (a better reason) for keeping them alive amongst all to see this year. They have always thought in their hearts; ”LIFE IS A PRODUCT OF CHANCE”, which in the very truth, LIFE IS BY GRACE. And for this reason, the creator (GOD) has a reason behind your being alive to see the start of this year.
Therefore, resolutions are not just it. The bible in ISAIAH 4318-19 tells us to forget the former things, God is doing a new thing. He is a making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. HEBREWS 1140 says “only together with us would God’s better plans for us be made perfect. I am not saying resolutions cannot be made and fulfilled, but I am particular about making resolutions not just because you want new things, but because you KNOW and BELIEVE that something greater has to happen and you won’t have seen it through to this year if it isn’t possible for those things to happen. He says in ISAIAH 558-9 that “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts”. And again He says in JEREMIAH 2911-12 that the thoughts he thinks towards you and me are of good and not of evil, to give us an expected end. My friend check these two verses well and u will see what I mean clearer.
Therefore seeing that u are reading my post, if you believe in the God I believe in, why don’t you sit down and before making any resolutions for this year that will not have God in it, think twice and have a word of prayer with your Creator. Call upon His name, He knows best. And only if you believe this will you walk in His will for you this year. Until letting His thoughts be your thought, then will you be able to say you have a resolution for this year. As for me, I have done this and I believe it is only His thoughts for me that I need as a RESOLUTION for this year. It is explained easy as these:
·         Call upon His name
·         Have a plan, but let your plan be His plan >commit to Him<
·         Believe (faith) in your creator
·         Stay in faith.

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