A Christian
you call yourself, I also call myself a Christian. Also one who goes to church
on a Sunday morning and ends that same Sunday in a club-house (committing
fornication) if asked, will reply with the same phrase “I am a Christian”. Therefore the question goes thus; WHY ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN
or better still “WHY DO YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN”. Time and space will
constrain me from starting from the simple (yet arduous) question; WHO IS A
CHRISTIAN. But nonetheless let’s check why
you are a Christian.
When I
stormed upon this verse of the scripture (2nd Corinthians 416-18-NIV),
I had something to hold on to (i.e. a reason) for which I am straining to be
CHRIST-LIKE. And after this light came to me, I confidently and audaciously sat
a room-mate of mine down and illuminated him on why I am in the faith. Listen,
the mystery goes; before a circle is
drawn, a dot started it. Now say u are asked by anyone who is eager to
know; WHAT WILL BE YOUR RESPONSE. Good!!! You are reading this post; I
challenge you, WHY ARE YOU IN THE FAITH (why are you a Christian).
Do not lose
heart, keep running, keep striving, and keep on standing for the truth. To the
world (people around, family, friends, relatives) I am wasting away. They say
and think this way because they do not understand and they lie in the dark, yet
what they do not know is that I am being renewed as each day unfold. They lack
sight, they cannot see the inward <the lord does not look at what man looks
at, the man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart>.
They lack sight.
But I know
that I am being renewed, that all I am doing is not in vain, there lies for me
a crown of glory in heaven. Know this, my
light and momentary troubles (this is how it seems to the outside
world, though I know in myself that I am storing for myself treasures in heaven)
are achieving for me an ETERNAL glory that by far outweighs/supersedes
them all(the troubles I seemingly am going through).
As I have explained,
it is significant for anyone who calls himself/herself a Christian to go
through this seemingly great troubles. Christ himself (our mediator) passed
through this. Note the word LIGHT <when I checked the dictionary, it simplified
this as 1] of little importance 2] easily endurable> also MOMENTARY
<lasting a very short time>. Therefore, my word to you is be strong
and steadfast in the LORD.
So you see
that I am not wasting away. Therefore, I do not lose heart/depressed. I am not
drawn back. This is what I do constantly, I fix my eyes not on what is SEEN
(this world, everything in it, everything it offers) but on what is UNSEEN (the
eternal glory, Christ Jesus & eternity with him).
As you read
this post and as I bring this article to a conclusion, this I want you to always
keep to heart; what is seen is TEMPORARY (only lasts a moment), but what is
unseen is not only PERMANENT (lasts forever), it is ETERNAL. 1st
John 115 says “The world (what is seen) and its desires (everything
it offers) pass away, but the man who does the will of GOD (he who does not
lose heart) lives forever.
My prayer
is that after you go through this article, you will also have perceived why you
are in the faith, and you will be able to confidently convince anyone who poses
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