As a child,
I always wondered and thought; what exactly is the beginning of all things
(humans, trees, animals, houses, even the Earth itself)? I thought and thought
and thought within myself, but all to no conclusion. This same question is
still always being asked silently in the heart of many (both children and
adults). There are different theories as to the beginning of the world.
Religion, science, cultures, and so on has in diverse ways explained the beginning
of the world to the best of their understanding. An example, is the supposed
BIG-BANG THEORY which talks about the universe as we know it starting with a
small singularity, then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the
cosmos we know today. Not to write much of that, but I wonder what is the use
of living at all when creation, as explained by that theory, is in itself a
mistake. I told myself; that could not have been the start of all things and
that could not be a definition of all things. It’s important to note at this
stage as you read on that I am not merely writing on “creation”, but the
DEFINITION of all things. I mean from
what (creation), through what
and to what are all things. These three powerful but rarely asked
questions defines every human being. Actually not just human beings, but also animals,
trees, inanimate things, and in-fact all things
As I grew
up, I understood that very few really ask themselves this questions, and as a
result have defined themselves as they deemed fit. Yeah you can do that. You
can define yourself, but still, you are in the dark. Notice that those three
phrasal questions end with the word “what”. Then that explains to me and you
that the “what” could mean a thing (inanimate), animal, human being, spirit,
in-fact it will mean whatever each of us individually define it to be. I
may decide to make my own “what” an animal,
you may decide to make yours a spirit,
but the message is that whatever we make/define/call it to be, that is what defines
us. Take it or leave it my own “what” is GOD ALMIGHTY. I don’t know about u but
I hope that even if you have defined wrongly before, that as you read this
article, the Holy-Spirit will minister to your heart and show you. I will use a
bible verse as a rider as I unravel this “WHAT” that many have rarely realized
before now. Open your bible now to the book of Romans 1136.
“Romans 11:36 For from Him, through Him and to
Him are all things. To Him be glory for ever! Amen!”
He is the
beginning and the end; he has been even before the beginning began; He started
the beginning; He is the Lord God almighty, the MAKER of all things. Then I grew much older and came in contact
with the above verse, which helped to enlighten and explain more, the attribute
of God which says “he is the beginning
and the end”. The bible says in John 11 that “in the beginning was the word, and the word
was with God, and the word was God”. I complete the first phrase in Romans
and say “For from Him are all things”. The explanation tells us that 1] He
existed before the beginning started; 2] He is the beginning; 3] He was before
the beginning. Most importantly, it explains that He started all things and
every other thing came to be from His word. Let me explain it better to you in
the context of a mother carrying a baby for 9 months and at the end of the
9 months, giving birth to the baby. He (God) gave birth to all things from His
word. Seems to be a mystery right? But to save I and you from headache, I will
end this part by saying “Jesus Christ is the Word”.
Moving on
to the second phrase in the same sentence quoted in Romans, I complete it by
saying “For through Him are all things”.
This telling us that He is the vessel by which all things emanate/come from.
The word “through” in this context is synonymous to “by”. Therefore we can say “by him are all things”; By Him have all
things (you, your family, and your friends… all-things). It further explains
that he is the beginning of all things. Do you understand the message I
am passing across? Okay let me simplify it with this words; He is the FIRST of
all things that constitute the universe; He is the STARTER; He himself is the
BEGINNER of the BEGINNING. To simplify it further; He EXISTED! After (through) His EXISTENCE, all other
things EXISTED (Hebrews 210). To see what I am describing well in another verse of the scripture, read Colossians 117. I sincerely
hope you understand now as we move on to the third phrase in the same sentence quoted
in Romans above, I complete the phrase by saying “For to Him are all things”. It explains that all things that have
been created by Him and from His word “ends at him”. Note, the verse does not say all things “end with
him”, no, it says all things “end to Him”. Yes I know it seems illogical right,
how can all things end to him? But know this, He has no end, having started all
things, how can all things end to him? But know this, He has no end, having
started all things. This explaining to us that He does not end; but rather He
is the end of all things. You agree with me that all things on earth have an
end (including the powers, principalities, presidents, rulers in high places
and so on). Be it death or on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (the day of
rapture). It is a certainty, all things must end. But He does not end. Because
in Him will all things end.
Also the
generality of the verse speaks to all Christians that as God is our creator we
should not just know Him as the creator, but we should believe
that He is our creator. He has authored our, therefore we will help ourselves
by living according to His plan for our lives. Through Him, we have come to be
as being evident in creation when he breathe in us the breath of life. He gave
us a part of Himself and “to Him” we will all end either you are CHRIST-LIKE or
NOT. Remember, He gave the life; He breath in you, He breath in me, He owns
all. Therefore let us live this time that we have not as though it will never
end, but rather in every moment of life remember that our lives ends to Him and
not with Him. Therefore Romans 12 explains to us how we can live, so we will be
convinced we are living to Him (now this means towards, this means living so as
to get to His standard), and not against (moving away from)Him.
As a
conclusion, I am convinced and assured that there is a LIFE after this short
one that we all have. Why? Because He doesn’t end, but rather He is the end of
all things. Therefore, live your life; knowing you are from Him, that your
everyday life is through Him, and most importantly that all your sojourn
in life ends at Him.
1 comment:
Eye opener... more grace
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