Thursday, 22 December 2016


                                THE QUALITY OF A CHRISTIAN
There is this statement that i have always known to be true, constant and pragmatic; and I've come to a realization of its importance to every  man who is "a Christian". This is the saying,
"If your Christianity will not cost you, then it's of no worth-Utterly worthless-"
I'm thinking u did not really understand what that sentence meant; maybe because you haven't even heard of it before, but give a little time to read on as i elucidate on what that sentence is really talking about. My article is not aimed at telling you who a Christian is, or what you must do as a Christian; But rather what qualifies you to really be able to call yourself a Christian, and how to continue in your Faith (so you can last in it till eternity). This that i want to share with you is not something very plain to everyman.i.e its not always easily noticed by anyone in any aspect of life. But do well by reading on understandably.

For every situation in life, and for everything man desires, he must have first done something else(anything), so that the desire he/she has can be reached or actualized. Everyone, even the still crawling baby has a desire at heart and to achieve that desire; must always also do something first. The reality is that for everyone who wants something, who desires anything whatsoever, or has planned something, such person must first have to do another thing; only then can he really get what he wants. Now, what is this "another thing" that always comes as the first piece of puzzle in achieving something? It is SACRIFICE. Note: This "sacrifice" being considered in this article is not "sacrifice as a substance", but rather "sacrifice as a process". Now take for example the story of Abraham and Isaac; at first, Isaac was to be the sacrificial lamb(in this instance, he was to be the substance/offering of sacrifice. But the whole process in itself is "sacrifice-an act-".

To shed more light, I define sacrifice as "a letting go of something, because of greater or other thing(s) which you desire"i.e "placing less importance on one thing in favour of something else". We all definitely have separate definitions we might attach to the word SACRIFICE; but the dictionary defines it as "the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else". Though we might not know it always, but everything in life, every situation, every desire, no matter how unreasonable that thing might seem; it has involved a sacrifice of another thing in one way or the other. Note once again; the sacrifice this article is addressing is not the material or substance being given up, but rather the whole process itself (SACRIFICE). Though, in going through the process of sacrifice, the substance been given up cannot be overlooked; but lets focus more on the whole process of sacrifice instead.
Be it a politician who sacrificed his humanity, by involving himself in rituals to attain to his position, or a student who sacrifices his sleep (by burning midnight candle) so as to fully prepare for his exams or an industry that sacrifices the health of everyone by burning harmful fuels regularly to get their products done or a woman who gives up her comfort in order to produce offsprings, or a Christian who sacrifices this world and its desires for eternity with CHRIST, or rather someone who does not believe Christ/unbeliever who is silently and unknowingly sacrificing heaven for pleasures of this world. Note that word "silently". I can keep sighting instances, but then this article will not come to an end.
Everyman, either rich or poor, big or small involves himself in this process called SACRIFICE. In everything of life, this process(sacrifice) will always be involved. That's final, that's total. If you think otherwise, I'll only ask you to check through that situation that just happened in your life again, you will realize that this process was involved to get ththat result you got; even if it comes down to an example such as "sacrificing your time". Moreso, as you are reading this article, unknowingly you are sacrificing something else; even if it be your time; you are sacrificing something. 
Then, my charge is this, ensure that for whatever you involve yourself in the process SACRIFICE, it is something worthwhile and what will eventually yield a positive end result. Students sacrifice your time to study diligently daily, so your exams can yield excellent results. Sacrifice those friends that will mar you, and attach yourself to those that will make you. Involve in meetings that will better prepare you and build you for a bright future, than once that will only give you teenage enjoyment. Ladies sacrifice the enjoyment (youthful relationship) and lust from men now (no matter how much it might be rampant), so you can better be prepared and kept for a glorious future. Parents sacrifice some out of your worktime to spend more time with your children so they can be brought up as diligent sons and daughters.
Now i look through it and i concluded that "if your Christianity also will not cost you, then its not worth it". If you have not given up something ththat you really desire to kekeep because of your faith, then it's not worth calling a faith at all; it only is a joke; it has no worth. If circular things, things you do everyday can involve sacrificing and your Christianity (your faith) cannot cause you to give up some things, then you are still just joking around. From my little understanding, before you can even first call yourself a Christian, then you must have first sacrificed this world.i.e let-go off this world. Not just by mere saying it, but by acting it as your life. Ask yourself this question, what are you looking for in Christianity? For what(why) do you continue to daily associate yourself as a Christian? What's the end result of your being in the faith brother? Such questions, before answering require deep reasoning. Then according to tge simple definition of sacrifice, to get heaven, to reign eternally in heaven(which invariably is a good thing), we must sacrifice something. In general, all i know Christian's must for their faith sacrifice is THIS WORLD.

Now maybe this will help you understand this point better; the bible recorded something about the disciples in Matthew 418-22. For Simon Peter and Andrew, The Lord Jesus met them fishing (what they loved to do best); all their lives, they had done fishing and were very good fishermen. But the bible recorded that when the call was made for them "to follow" Jesus; at once, they left their nets and followed HIM. I dont know how Jesus successfully persuaded  this ones to make such a sudden untimed decision, but i know that they never regretted that decision. One thing i noticed is that for them to follow Jesus, they dropped something, they had to let something go so they can have a single focus of heart with the Lord Jesus. This i know is that the Holy scripture laid an emphasis on the disciples "leaving" their nets behind (that's sacrifice). This is to emphasize that following Jesus wholeheartedly will require you to let go off things you are attached to which can easily let you be left behind as you chase a consistent walk with the Lord Jesus. I ask myself, can't they be followers of Jesus and still be fishermen (regular at fishing); but "NO", following Jesus required that they give-up what they cherished most; what they had used their lives for
In addition, the sons of Zebedee, according to verses 21 and 22 "left their boat and their Father" to follow Jesus. Why is the bible emphasizing that these ones left something when they heard the call of Jesus. Why didn't the bible just say "Jesus called them and they followed Him". I think for the Bible to put it this way, then there is an importance attached to giving up something for a LIFE WITH JESUS.
Yes you have given your life to Jesus Christ and even moreso you call yourself a Christian; but still you cherish the way you normally talk, you still enjoy the company of those bad (not heaven-bound) friends, you still want to continue dressing (worldly pattern, dresses that do not represent you as a worshipper of Christ) like you always did before the call from Jesus; you still desire to keep that unholy relationship (one not directed by heaven), your faith has not caused you to sit down, take your time and study the bible daily, you only want to just stay amidst the majority of so-called Christians; to be plain with you, you aren't following Jesus yet. And infact, your claim to be a Christian does not worth it.
As has been clarified already, all things come-up as a result of a particular sacrifice that has been made either knowingly or unknowingly, a sacrifice must have occurred. My message is this; to truly and whole-heartedly follow Jesus, you just have to give up a lot of things (things regarding this world). Because it never is truly possible to focus on two things, though you can know two things, but u can't be as good in the two; and to be better in one, you focus more, give more time, sacrifice all what it takes; just so you can really be good in that one thing. This the truth, if you desire to focus on heaven aand eternity with Christ, then you have to do as the disciples did. Immediately drop your nets (whatsoever it might be that negates you as a kingdom chaser); only then can you truly focus on Christ Jesus.
Another important thing to note is this; what you might even have to sacrifice may not be something sinful or a bad attitude; it might just be what separates you from God; in the sense that you have given it more precious time than your relationship with God (maybe love for money, or your gadget, or talking, or sleeping). It's not until that thing is sinful, as long as your single gaze is not your faith, as long as you are two within yourself, then it has to go.
On that faithful day when Christ called those disciples, a transformation occurred in them, they were changed from fish-fishers to men-fishers. Sacrifice instigates change. When you decide to let-go that your haphazard way of talking and you allow your speech to be seasoned with grace, those around you will notice the change, your friend will notice the change when you give yourself to daily study of the word and your regular prayer. Sacrifice in this case changes your orientation; a change from one form to another.
Now, you may wonder; "what is my gain if i sacrifice all this now? Why should i sacrifice my youthful enjoyment just for something I'm not too sure about?". You may even be the type silently asking in your heart; "if i drop this my way of life -which actually i enjoy, and feels real- what's in it for me? Well listen to this, the bible says in Luke 1829-30 that;
 "I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." (NIV)
Waoh! Double portion reward, for anyone who is ready to sacrifice for the sake of the kingdom; for anyone who is ready to sacrifice all else, so you can stand in your faith and have God as your only focus. The greatest reward for any man is ETERNITY with CHRIST, but just like that bible verse says, there is a reward in this life also. For those that will neglect the enjoyment of this world (mostly letting go those things you cherish but won't help you have a focused life with Christ, there is a reward that awaits you. But note; only when you SACRIFICE ALL FOR JESUS.

As i conclude, if you noticed that verse very well, it mentioned the most cherished things (home, wife, brothers, parents) of any man, or who can cherish anything more than his own Mother or Father. This telling you that you will need to sacrifice also the best things you desire, the things you cannot easily let-go. To expantiate this point, let me take you through the very common verse of John 3:16.- "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (NIV). The bible emphasized Jesus' relationship with God the Father using the phrase "one and only Son". If you look inward that verse very well, you'll see the bible placing a strong emphasis on the Son Jesus being God's one and only. This telling us that God sacrificed His best for our redemption, for our getting back into a relationship with him after the fall of the first man (Adam). Moreso, according to that phrase, God sacrificed all He had for the salvation and cleansing of your soul and mine. Then let me tell you, God also expects you to give-up your best and all; not just things you hardly cherish or hold dear, but your all and the best; ONLY THEN CAN YOUR CHRISTIANITY (YOUR FAITH) BE WORTH IT.
                                                             JESUS > religion

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