I’m living the chronicle of my life as “the LivingChronicle”
And here I chronicle my life as a message of hope
Two decades and two years ago, “it isn’t meant to be”’ the doctor said; “He should make a sound”
Frightened and Terrified, mama was dumbfound
A rigor of 9months all gone to waste she murmured;
Two years on without words, He’s a dumb the haters bantered
He’ll never speak, he’s an anomaly they wondered
And so its their words ringing in my ears that gives me the voice everyday to say to you;
It doesn’t matter what they said about you yesterday or today
Tomorrow will be better
Not long after, death had a whiff at me
Hoping to take me out as quick as an addict could take a sniff;
Yes, with many attempts it tempted
The mark still visible on dad’s hands as I buried my teeth’s in his fingers
And all that was left between me and death was dad’s finger
But really it was God’s finger that altered me from death’s collar
And so I say to you, thank God for life everyday
Until you see your dreams come true, never give up on your life anyday
Because if you weren’t important, you wouldn’t have been the victor amongst 200 million other competitors
Another sperm would have had your position
My name is Oluwaseun
I’ve got a message and I’ve been sent to cause a change
To be a catalyst to cause a chain a reaction
To be a voice unto this generation
And I’ll not stop until the whole world hears that Jesus is coming back;
He won’t slack and it’ll take us in shock
To the world I’m lost
No matter how much they search to search for me
I have become like a pin that falls into a heap of sand
This world had me but didn’t keep me well
Toiled with me and handled me lightly
Now its going to pay for having not cherished me
The world lost me but I am found in Christ
You see, Jesus searched me out of the sand heap and placed me ontop of the sand
He simply just loved me more than the world did
And so, I’m saved, I’m found and I possess more
Giving him all of me that I may become him someday somehow
Reaching for nothing else except for him; until I become as he is
To me, words will always be a pleasure
Because even my father in heaven honors his words more than his name
You see that, words when channeled out rightly;
Can change destinies, heal the sick, can change the world and will move mountains
And so, I’ll keep on speaking;
- Until with it lives are impacted
- Until with it hope is dashed out
- Until with it the world is changed
You ask me who am I to think I can speak, I say nobody
But he who is more than anybody, own everybody and creates everything
Picked me from nowhere and placed me here
Gave me a voice by the action of his breath in my lungs
And so, I’ll speak, I’ll communicate, and I’ll share the message
Two decades and two years now and I’m not just speaking
My voice is growing; my bowel is crying
My heart is crying and my mind communicating
Saying Jesus is the king!
And no matter how much you don’t want to hear that, I’ll say it
Because he’s the best form of hope I can give to you
I got God in this and that’s why I call it GODFIDENCE
I want to reach every boy and every girl
I’ll speak with the president of the united states there
I want to reach every man and every woman
I want to reach the blacks, the whites and the browns too
I want to reach the drug addict and the alcoholic too
With a message of hope and faith saying
No one else is you or can be you; You are the first of your kind and the last; You are Special
A city meant to be set on a hill, you were not created to fit in, you were created to stand out, you are Special
Your ability is limitless, your capacity unlimited; You are Special
You are the Masterpiece of God’s creation and He created you intentionally; You are Special
Your situation right now doesn’t determine your final destination; You are Special
You are here for a reason, a why
You have a part to play; no matter how small you think, you are equipped to lead nations
You are significant, You are Important, You are remarkable
There is a seed of greatness in you, and like every other seed
You must intentionally grow it
Everyday, every passing week; Every moment you must germinate it
So that when the sun sets upon your life, you must ensure it sets shining
Not clouded by the pains of untapped potential, the hurts of talents unused
The agony of vision unchased and the burden of life unfulfilled;
Our Greatness Beckons; We are special!!!
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